Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Crime and Investigation Popularity in Television

The fascination with crime is not a new concept. People are drawn to it, sometimes without even noticing, but the mass-publication of crime skyrocketed with the invention of television. According to The Appeal of the Crime Genre, written by Gray Cavender and Nancy Jurik, 20-15% of all global book sales and almost half of the books on the bestsellers list fall within the crime genre. The idea and use of crime for entertainment has been around since the late 1700s. Edgar Allen Poe is often credited as the originator of the crime genre for writing Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841), The Murder of Marie Roget (1842), and the Purloined Letter (1845) and created the formula for a crime story of a brilliant detective who is paired with a loyal colleague. This formula gave inspiration to the famously well-known stories of Sherlock Holmes, which has been recreated into 2 television series and multiple movies since. Bandits like Robin Hood, outlaws like Jessie James, and The Great Train Robber(1903) fall into this genre, because even though some don't consider the western films or shows crime dramas, they are still based around a crime.

In Entertaining Crime: Review, written by Gray Cavender and Mark Fishman, radio crime dramas became popular in the 1930s with Homicide Squad, Calling all Cars, and Treasury Agent as some of the shows produced and was the introduction into "true crime" stories. Following the 1930s, the film noir era of the 1940s causes popularity of crime films to skyrocket. Directors in the 1940s began to find realism in their movies by adapting "police procedurals" into suspenseful scripts and using actual crimes for their storyline. The 1950s were seen as the beginning of radio crime shows transitioning into television, it was slow but steadily gaining popularity. One popular show from this era was Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955-1965) which was a series of unrelated stories of crime, horror, and drama. Another show, Dragnet, was ranked number 4 in the tv ratings in 1952 and gained over 9.5 million viewers in a time where there were only 20 million homes that owned a tv. The 1970s were the time when crime shows like Ironside, Hawaii Five-0, The F.B.I., Mod Squad, Adam 12, Mannix, and more were taking over television and sending ratings for the broadcasters through the roof.

In Crime and Passion: Journalism for the Masses?, William Davie makes the connection that when American's endorsed a crime control agenda in the 1980s, crime television shows became more concerned with drugs, threats to family stability, and domestic abuse. Shows like America's Most Wanted, Cops, and Unsolved Mysteries became hugely  popular. According to the Encyclopedia for Popular Culture, when the show Cops was created in 1989, it established a new form of reality television by using footage filmed by handheld camcorders of police officers pursuing criminals. Entertaining Crime: Review presented data that the in the show Cops 84% of the crimes shown were violent, where 16% were property offences. This information is almost completely opposite to the real crime data from the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). The reason for this being that the show does not produce all crimes recorded, and in order to keep ratings high and entertain the audience, they choose to show the most interesting cases, which happen to be involving violence. This information shown by television shows gives the public a false sense of the amount and types of crime that may actually be happening in their city, causing panic among some citizens concerned with public safety.

In the 1990s, forensic science was introduced into television to maintain popularity of the crime genre and the extremely popular show Law and Order, which still runs as the longest running tv drama in the United States, was made. In 1986, DNA was used to solve a crime and exonerate an innocent man for the first time and shortly following in 1987, DNA profiling was introduced. Appeal of the Crime Genre found that a popular show Prime Suspect, which was released in 1991, relied on the new techniques of forensic evidence and moved the genre of crime shows further into the trend of realism. It was not until 1994 when the National DNA Database was enacted, allowing criminal DNA to be accessible to law enforcement around the country and making the capture of criminals much easier. The show Forensic Files aired in 1996, shortly after the use of DNA became a major aspect of crime solving. The show has a very similar concept to the show Prime Suspect of presenting a crime, then through the use of step-by-step forensic evidence, showed the viewers how they solved the crime. The focus on the science of detection work gave influence to shows like CSI and NCIS, which are still popular today. In 1999, Crimewatch and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit were created. Around this time, it seemed like the crimes the audiences wanted to see where more disturbing to the public. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit for example is dedicated towards crimes committed against women and children and they range from rape, sexual assault, abuse, and sometimes in the show murder and child pornography. This show became extremely popular and remains popular today.

Criminals in crime shows are almost always present as satanists, drug dealers, or cold-blooded murderers, whereas victims are portrayed as respectable, attractive, and innocent. Show creators do this to reinforce the idea that criminals are not like us, or to allow the viewer to relate to the victim and add to their sense of fear. This fear that the show causes is often minimized by writers almost always ending the episode by the detectives solving the case. Encyclopedia of Popular Culture says that "Resolution of events is preferred over unsolved crimes or escaped or unknown criminals, and reality television attempts to provide viewing audiences with this closure.". This explains why 61.5% of all crimes portrayed in crime shows are depicted as solved, whereas F.B.I. reports prove this wrong with an overall 18% arrest rate. The point of the more gruesome crimes in television were to make the public believe: Crime is rampant, violent and obvious to spot; criminals are villains; and the police and jails are America's best line of defense to decent society.

This still leaves the question as to why exactly crime shows are so popular in television. Crime and passion says, "Television Crime Shows ... have flourished, in part, because crime re-enactments occur within an identifiable social context.", allowing audiences the ability to relate to the characters or stories in the shows or imagine the possibility of this crime happening to them as something much more realistic than before. Another idea is that the introduction of forensic evidence use in shows appealed to viewers intellect and triggers the audience's natural impulse to figure things out. Oxford Handbooks says, "Others note that it is not so much the solution to the puzzle as the pleasure of observing the detective work through the investigation that makes the crime genre so popular. ... and the crime genre and offer a story of how an individual, acting alone or with others, can try to get at the truth - try to produce justice."

An article on Time, Why We are Drawn to True Crime Shows, explains Americas fascination on shows that focus on bizarre, disturbing incidents of murder, specifically serial killers like: Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or David Berkowitz. This is an extreme to the television crime phenomenon, but the basic principles apply to all crime shows. Scott Bonn, a criminology professor at Drew University, says, "The actions of a serial killer may be horrible to behold but much of the public simply cannot look away due to the spectacle." Viewers also may receive a jolt of adrenaline from watching terrible deeds happen, which causes a surge in happiness and can potentially become addictive. A common universal theme he talks about is that, "As a source of popular culture entertainment, it allows us to experience fear and terror in a controlled environment where the threat is exciting but not real."

Crime shows also prove to be valuable to broadcasters in many different ways. One reason is that the cost it takes to produce crime shows in drastically smaller than some other shows on television. Another reason is that there is no temporal references or continuing storyline throughout each episode, making it easy to play re-runs frequently and results in the majority of what makes profit. These shows also have the ability to fill a station owner's need to provide their audience with public service programming, which is a requirement to maintain a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) License. For these reasons, Investigation discovery and channels like it,  broadcast shows and documentaries solely based on crime, investigations, murder, and drama.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Post #3: Dinner Menu

The main Entree will be cheeseburgers, because in a scene in the Frost/Nixon movie, after one of the interviews that was particularly difficult for Frost, he and his girlfriend Caroline Cushing ate cheeseburgers together.
Image result for cheeseburger
There will be a side of cottage cheese and fruit because Nixon loves cottage cheese and for medical reasons had to watch his weight. Nixon mentions eating cottage cheese several times in the movie.
Image result for cottage cheese

The dessert will be chocolate fondue because fondue was very popular in the 70s, at the time of the Frost/Nixon interviews.
Image result for chocolate fondue

post #5: In-class write

The film Frost/Nixon that I watched and researched had shared some common themes with both 12 Years a Slave and Glory. The movie was based off the on a primary source, the televised interviews of Richard Nixon by David Frost, and used many historic materials for the characters portrayed in the film and the dialogue that was used. Like 12 Years a Slave, the director chose to focus on the reenactment of the interviews from a behind the scenes perspective and the research done to prepare for it. Using characters of James Reston Jr., Bob Zelnick and Caroline Cushing as the researchers who prepared Frost for the interviews and Jack Brennan, Frank Gannon, and Diane Sawyer as the people who prepared Nixon was important because it showed that the director wanted to bring the actual experiences of a historical individual to life.

The film can be seen as both historical accurate and inaccurate in some places. Frost/Nixon accurately included characters that were actually there and participated in the watergate interviews. It also accurately showed the personality of Richard Nixon, from his cold demeanor around his wife to the way he sweat on his upper lip when he became nervous. It accurately showed the audience the intensive grueling nature of Reston and Zelnick while researching the watergate scandal before the interviews, which has the idea overcoming hardships in common with Glory. That theme is also found when Frost seems to be struggling with his first two interviews, but after Reston discovers new information and they work together, he is able to get a confession out of Nixon. It was historically accurate to make the financial and broadcasting struggles that Frost had to deal with so pressing in the film because in an interview, Caroline Cushing remembers that was a major issue during this time. The birthday party scene was also described as very accurate to the reality of how the night happened. It was also true that Nixon said, "Well, when the president does it that means its not illegal" like in an interview scene, which shows his corrupt understanding of the law and was smartly added into the content of the movie by the filmmaker.

 Inaccuracies in the film often occurred due to the filmmakers adding in scenes for dramatic effect on the audience. One of which was the late-night phone call Nixon made to Frost, in which he was drunk and threatened him, but also gave David a clue as to how to get him to confess. This did not happen and Frost was never given any help from the President especially since, according to Jack Brennan, Nixon did not drink. Another historical inaccuracy was the timing of the scenes. While the interviews all occurred in correct chronological order, they were strategically shortened to alot for the short movie time. This was shown in the interview scene in which Nixon "confesses" and apologizes for the watergate crimes. In the broadcast, it seemed quick and easy to get Nixon to admit to the scandal and took about 7 minutes, whereas in reality it took 2 slow and grueling days of interrogations to get the confession. A smaller-scale historical inaccuracy took place among the relationship between Caroline Cushing and David Frost. The film showed them meeting on a plane ride to America, which was the initial trip Frost took to meet Nixon and gain television support for the interviews. This did not happen. While Caroline was with him on this trip, they had been dating for 5 years prior and did not meet on the flight. Though it is true that Nixon apologized for the crimes he committed to the American people, the one major question that remains over the interviews is whether or not he meant it.

Post #4: works cited

  • Used to gather information on the post-presidential panel participants, the people close to Nixon who helped him prepare for the interviews with David Frost

  • Used for background information in understanding what the Watergate Scandal was and learning the crimes that were committed.

  • Used for information on wiretapping and the revelation of the system to the public.

  • Used for historical inaccuracies from the film found in an interview with Brennan.
  • Transcripts from interview w Frost where Nixon says his understanding of the law, factually the same as the scene from the movie

  • Interview with james reston discussing the film. Used for first hand experiences of the interview and to see the historical accuracy of the film.
  • Used to know what is lost or gained when a historic event is changed to theater.
  • Written by james reston.

  • Used to learn information on Alexander Butterfields revelation of the secret recording systems used by the president.

  • An interview used to see Caroline Cushings reaction to the Frost/Nixon movie and see what parts where historically accurate or wrong from her point of view.

  • An interview with Diane Sawyer, the Good Morning America host who worked with Nixon. Used for historical inaccuracies in the film.

  • Article used in blog post to gain information about an exhibit and exposes 4 men also involved in the scandal, conversations between Nixon and White House aids, Highlights from tape transcripts and Nixon’s denial of involvement in Watergate crimes.

  • Article used in blog post to gain information about an exhibit and deciphers a clear, chronological sequence of events on Watergate.

  • Article used in blog post to gain information about an exhibit and shows Erlichman’s reaction to the Interviews where he says that Nixon lied and was guilty of the crimes.

  • Article used in blog post to gain information about an exhibit and talked about negative reactions to interview and criticized Frost's interview style

  • Article used in blog post to gain information about an exhibit and discussing the reactions to the Nixon/Frost interview

Post #2: Exhibits

This article from the San Antonio Express was published in May of 1977. This article talks about the reactions to the Nixon Interview and how some found it emotional and agreed while others thought the attitudes did not help the Republican Party rebuild from the downfall of Nixon. It mentioned the burdens that NIxon will have to carry and the tears he shed before resignation, but also said that the interviews shed "no new light" on the Watergate Scandal.
This article from The News Palladium that was published in Michigan in May of 1977. It shows 3 different reactions people had to the interviews between David Frost and Richard Nixon. The public was upset that Nixon gave Frost this information for $600,000 when 4 years before the interviews he refused to give it to the Congressional committees looking into the episode. It also talked about how Frost spoke too long before asking Nixon a question.

This article is from The Daily Chronicle in Washington that was published in May of 1977. This article shows Erlichman's reaction to the interviews of Richard Nixon and David Frost, in which he says that he is not telling the truth and mentions Nixon bribing him to take the blame. It also discusses Frost's attempt to use more than 7 hours of recorded interview material in order to create more broadcasts despite what Nixon had agreed to.
This is an article from the Clovis News-Journal that was published in  New Mexico in August of 1974. This article is different because it is just a timeline of the Watergate Scandal in chronological order. It includes specific dates that the events occurred and quotes from both Nixon and others involved in the incidents.
This is a Newspaper article from The Pocono Record in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania that was created in May of 1974. This article shows the public details about the investigation including nixon's role and exposing 4 men involved; John Dean, E. Howard Hunt, John Ehrlichman, and H. R. Halderman. It also included highlights from the tape transcripts and excerpts from conversations Nixon had with top aides. This article shows that Nixon denies involvement in the crimes and subsequent cover-up of the Watergate Scandal and instead lets others take the blame.

’Newsweek’ cover on the revelation of the White House taping system.
The cover of the 'Newsweek' magazine after it was shown to the Senate watergate Committee the revelation of a secret recording system in the White House that President Nixon  had used to record every conversation and telephone call to the Oval Office since 1971. It was installed and operated by secret service agents and was the first time the public had heard of the wiretapping scandals.   
President Nixon at a press conference releasing the transcripts of the White House tapes in 1974. Before the release of the audio files, Nixon and his administration decided to present the public with edited transcripts of all the recordings in an attempt to draw attention away from the actual audio files.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Post #1: Invitation

Hello, you are all invited to attend my Watergate viewing party, where we will be discussing the scandal and subsequent cover-up from the Nixon organization. The themes we will be talking about are political burglary, extortion, wiretapping, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and illegal use of government agencies.

Guest list:
1. James Reston Jr. - an author, historian, and Watergate advisor who helped prepare David Frost for the interviews with Richard Nixon.

2. Bob Zelnick - a Washington journalist and former Bureau Cheif of ABC news who led Frost's research team for the Nixon interviews.

3. Colonel Jack Brennan  - Senior Marine Corps Military Aide to the President and Richard Nixon's post-presidential chief of staff in San Clemente, also served as a trusted counselor and confidant. negotiated the terms of the interviews with Frost.

4. Frank Gannon - chief researcher on Nixon's memoirs, conducted almost 37 hours of video interviews with president Nixon

5. Diane Sawyer - Nixon's principal Watergate Researcher and helped him prepare for the frost/nixon interviews

6. Caroline Cushing - girlfriend to David Frost during the interviews with Nixon and journalist who met Nixon on multiple occasions and  helped Frost.

7. David Frost - British talk-show host and interviewer of Richard Nixon in the series of sit-down interviews in 1977.

8. Richard Nixon - Former president and subject of the interviews, main suspect of the watergate scandals.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Analyzing motion picture standards of the 1920s

1. the standards are targeted towards the people producing movies and films.
2. from this source being created, we understand that the society at this time is very strict and sensitive about the distribution of information that may be seen to the public as offensive.
3. from this document, we understand that the values of the society are clean and pristine. they value religion, white culture, obeying the law and avoiding all forms of nudity.
4. this document allows us to know that the movie industry saw new technology as having an extremely negative impact on society by introducing new ideas that had gone against everything their society valued and attempted to limit the amount they could distribute to the public as much as possible.