Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Practicing Incorporating a Quote

"'Glory' begins in the manner of one of those re-enactments one sees at battlefields where, in cause of tourism on summer weekends, local citizens put on period costumes and play at history. The uniforms in the movie seem awfully clean and well pressed. During the first charge at Antietam, which opens the film, the boys' faces are prettily smudged, as if by a volunteer makeup artist. One seems to be looking at a tasteful re-enactment even though bodies are cut in two and one head disintegrates."

In the movie "Glory" there is a common theme of how a person feels after being in battle. It is often traumatic, and even though the soldiers believed that they were physically prepared for war, they were not emotionally ready for it. Canby depicts a soldier experiencing shock and not realizing the severity of the situation. When Canby says, "One seems to be looking at a tasteful re-enactment even though bodies are cut in two and one head disintegrates." he is showing how hard it is for a soldier to comprehend the gruesome nature of war. 

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