Wednesday, February 15, 2017


1. I would define progress of the steps taken to achieve a goal or change in a positive way.

2. the progressive era was 1890-1920. it was called this because it was the time that the social movement of progressivism grew into a political movement. Progressives were people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace, believed government could be a tool for change. The also concentrated on exposing the evils of corporate greed, combating fear of immigrants, and urging Americans to think hard about what democracy meant, and fight political corruption. (source)

3. all progressive reforms share the common idea of rejecting social darwinism, with strong political overtones and the rejection of the church as the driving force for change. (source)

4. Category 1 goals would be votes for women, americanization of immigrants, and maximum hour laws and minimum wage laws.
Category 2 goals would be regulation of big companies, destruction of urban "political machines", direct election of senators, secret ballots and temperance
Category 3 goals would be nonpartisan city elections, an income tax.
a category 4 goal would be the initiative. 

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